Interested in learning more about open access?

Open access is an increasingly important issue for graduate students as they decide how and where to publish their research. The Committee on the Status of Graduate Students in the Profession is hosting a roundtable called “Open Access…Closing Doors?” on Sunday at noon. The discussion will cover various aspects of open access including the impact of open access, open access textbooks, online journals, and the topic of embargo. Join us for a lively dialogue about open access!

743. Open Access . . . Closing Doors?

Sunday, 11 January, 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m., 117, VCC West

Presiding: Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Speakers: Albert Russell Ascoli, Univ. of California, Berkeley; Carl S. Blyth, Univ. of Texas, Austin; Lauren Coats, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge; Kathleen Fitzpatrick, MLA; Carla A. Freccero, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Svetlana Tyutina, Florida Polytechnic Univ.