Let’s talk about how to utilize summer “vacations”

In the era of decreasing budgets yet increasing pressure to lower time-to-degree, summers–and how best to utilize them–are a vital part of a graduate student’s life. Join us for a roundtable discussion about how to best gain a variety of different experiences (alt-ac, publishing, internships/externships, etc.), make academic and professional progress, and how sports can be used to build relationships across cohorts and lower your stress. Our distinguished panelists include current graduate students, recent graduates, as well as faculty, and we encourage both students and faculty to attend.

593. I Know What You Didn’t Do Last Summer Saturday, 10 January, 3:30–4:45 p.m., 113, VCC West

Presiding: Stacey Amo, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge
Speakers: Heather Brown, Kent State Univ., Kent; Jaime Cantrell, University of Mississippi, Oxford; Geffrey Davis, Penn State Univ., University Park; Elizabeth M. A. Hodgson, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver; Tiffany Potter, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver